As you all know by now, the Professor's site is being moved over to

Ilske just wrote me that she was required to provide a password and didn't know what this meant. I was annoyed myself when I found that I was expected to sign in.

Kris, the webmaster, explained that this was a mere formality (for his records?) and that you can submit any name and any password. ( I put in 'tess' and 'lace', neither of which I use anywhere else.)

He assured me that I would only be asked to do this once, and it has proved to be true.

I am connecting there all the time now, not only because it is a very well managed site, but because the Professor's material is being moved over in bits and pieces and this means that there are still errors or missing information which makes searching not perfect. If you run into any difficulties, please let me know. It may very well not be your fault, and Kris and the Prof both need to know if anything presents a problem.


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