On 3/14/06, Alice Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The English terminology is...:
> Double Stitch   CTCT

In Stillwell's dictionary, both double stitch and double half stitch
are given as equal to
"cloth and twist"  (sic)
and I'm just as happy calling it CTCT  !

> The Continental terminology is:
> Half stitch    TC
> Cloth or Linen stitch  CTC
> Whole Stitch   TCTC

My Dutch friend who had learned at a lace college in Amsterdam called
it half, cloth and linen, and we worked it CT, CTC, CTCT. go figure.

> However, you need to understand both sets of
> terminology so you can interpret whatever book you

Lacemaking terminology is so muddied, best to check the terms in
whichever book the basic 'stitches' are described, and take it from
there. Then there is system of colour coding, which is straightforward
as long as there is a reference chart for which colour means what, on
the diagram.

> both methods.  (A brief note -- the term 'throw' means
> stitch....

In one instance where I read it in relation to BL,  the author was
describing completing only a CTC (or 'cloth' stitch -  in handweaving
terms a 'throw' is a row completed after the shuttle is thrown (across
the 'web')). Do a whole throw across the row.... aargh.

Bev in Sooke BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)
Cdn. floral bobbins  www.woodhavenbobbins.com
blogging lace at www.looonglace.blogspot.com

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