I'm with you, Betty Ann! I had not heard of the different twists in threads either, so I just wound the bobbins, put on a ½ hitch, and made lace!!!

I still do it that way, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never bothered about the twist on the thread! I occasionally have a rogue bobbin hitch - but as it will have come from the same reel as all the others on the pillow, it is usually due to there not being much thread on the bobbin. Then a double ½ hitch fixes it!

I am not very "Technical" (nor precise!!) I use a photocopy of the pricking, covered in contact - no stiff card underneath (I used to prick through card, but arthritic hands makes that too hard). I just enjoy lacemaking without too much fuss.
The lace turns out alright, - or not, - as the case may be!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz
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