We've had this sort of discussion before. It's not particularly to do with using Mac or Windows, or any other operating system; it's to do with how your software is configured to read the character, ie what language your word processor, email reader or web browser is set up to read. Just because you can insert a character into *your* system doesn't necessarily mean that another system will read it as the same character, or even show it at all.

Have a look at:
It's all explained in far more detail than most of us will ever need to know!


On 22 Mar 2006, at 06:47, Tamara P Duvall wrote:

On Mar 22, 2006, at 0:26, Hendrika van Kooten wrote:

To produce the umlaut for the German language, on the keyboard, press the Alt key and hold it down while you key in the following numbers on the RIGHT
side of the keyboard ( thus NOT the number keys across the top )

Alt 129           ü               Alt    153         Ö
Alt 132           ä               Alt    154         Ü
Alt  148          ö               Alt    225         ß
Alt  142          Ä

Not in MacMail :) For me, Alt129 = ¡™ª (an upside-down exclamation mark and tiny TMA at the top) when I use the numbers accross the the top. When I use the numbers on the right, it's: 129 (hardly worth the extra effort <g>) Neither gives me the u-umlaut.

At least I can _read_ all the letters with the diacritical marks that you've posted... When I get mail from Poland, sometimes I I have to "reinterpret" a long string (up to 5 weird symbols) for a single deviation from the standard English keyboard. I'm told I could change my "reception" to North European standard, but that's not the standard I use most often... And I would have to keep switching from one to the other constantly... And I'd still have to try and memorize a whole lot of peculiar characters when writing... _And_ chances are that "Northern European" would mean Swedish and Danish and maybe Finnish, but not Polish... Too much effort for too little profit and I'm too lazy :)

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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