Dear all
Tamara wrote
> Orange with yellow gimp Buck's Point for my DH's Buddhism Book
Sounds intriguing, but... Wouldn't it "disappear" against a yellow 
robe? <g>
He hasn't "taken the cloth"! - (please seriously this is intended as a
humorous remark and no disrespect is intended towards any
practioner/believer in any faith) Since he's been learning Tai Chi for
2-3 years and has often spoken about it being "spiritual" but not
"religious" I thought he might be interested in reading something about
Buddhism - and the book has turned out to be like many of my lace books
- often picked up with the same sections being read and re-read and
definitely in need of more than one bookmark. The yellow & orange are a
perfect match for the book's cover - that's all there was too it -
except for the request for more colour co-ordinated pieces!

>       A new design - draft and final for a friend's birthday. I'm
> trying to decide whether to send it to "LACE" for publication


Ok watch that space!
By for now 

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