Dear Arachnes,

Sorry for taking so long to respond to this - I wasn't fully reading all of the postings recently. I was very busy at the end of the school year and then we went on a vacation to the west coast of Canada.

Kreink is selling off their supply of Au Ver A Soie through their Yardsale on their website as they are now producing their own brands. The Au Ver A Soie is called Soie Platte but is the same as Soie Ovale. You have to buy a large number but if several people went in together it might be worth it. I've included the link:

I bought some of the 50m a while ago and the colours were wonderful. The 10m selection is quite reasonably priced especially if several people go in together.

They are also selling the Soie Alger but I haven't bought any of it:

Hope this doesn't come to late.
Cindy - in cloudy Wisconsin

But that begs a question... Where do I get "Alger Silk (1 strand/7)" (whatever that means... 7 waht? Cm? Inches? I'm supposed to have 2 skeins of 8 meters of that, to wind on 36 bobbins)? Also, what's a good source of "Ovale Silk 5 different colours (one bobbin for each colour)"? Neither of them resides in my stash; for my previous experiments in coloured French laces I used Pipers silk (as required)

Brenda's book ("Thread for Lace" -- without which, not) does have both threads listed and, I suppose, following her measurements, I could find substitutes. But -- vide above -- I prefer to stick to what the teacher tells me, the first time out.

Advice on sources (preferably in US or Canada) for those threads will be gratefully received.
Tamara P Duvall                  
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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