Did you know of the poem by Lewis Carroll called "The Hunting of the
It includes mention (and a picture) of a lace making BEAVER!

He looks to me as though he is working a strange form of Tenerife lace, you place the pins in the pad and then wind the thread around them, I think you then sew over and under those threads to hold them in place and create the design, something like that though I have never worked tenerife lace. Sandra Stilwell, who is an expert at Tenerife lace, taught me to make bobbin lace at classes in Essex. in the early 1980s. She used to bring pieces of Tenerife to the classes at times and I believe she wrote a book or two on the subject.

Perhaps Lewis Caroll, or the illustrator of the poem, had seen both Tenerife and English laces being made and just confused the two.

It's like the tatting lady who visits many a lace day telling her companions that the ladies sitting at their pillows are doing tatting. She comes here to the Costa Brava on her holidays quite often.

Jenny DeAngelis.
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