>>Dear Antje and the list,

I usually lurk, but wanted to pipe in that it would make a lovely
addition to our archives, or to the Lace Fairy site, to amass such
glossaries of terms particular to lace in as many languages as
possible, to aid everyone in their travels and to help us decipher
materials in a language not our own. Back to lurking and learning!<<

I have a book, paperbook, that I bought at a lace day here years ago
called "International Lace Dictionary". It was pulished in Gent/Ghent in
1994. I have the address in the book where orders coul/can be places for
copies, but I can't guarantee that the address is current, contact me if
you are interested. There is no ISBN number to quote as I believe it was
published privately or something.

The languages in the book are. English, French, Castellano, German,
Dutch, Italian, Potugeuse and Danish. It consists of about 30 pages of
translations set out in columns for each language with a total of 630
lace related words being translated. At the back is an index set out by
individual languages so that you can find the word you want more easily
in the translations.

Jenny DeAngelis

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