Hello all,
I cannot be bothered to do anything at the moment, let alone do any lace making! I am really hoping that climate change will make it colder here, as I think I am allergic to muggy heat and become very sluggish. I am supposed to be working at the moment, doing proofreading for a Dutch girl in Australia, but I'll wait till the cooler hours of the night. I am working on two lace pieces at the moment, one a torchon one for my daughter and the other a piece of Bedfordshire, trying to remember what I learned on the course with Christine Springett last month. Especially where the "magic threads" are supposed to go! I am just sitting here with a fan in my face and do not intend to move unless I have to.
Maybe I'll be more contructive next time.

Agnes Boddington - UK
Bobbin maker - will ship worldwide

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