To all Lonelies if you are interested.

At the beginning of the month my neighbour Glenys and I went to Vamberk to
see the 1oth Lace Exhibition. She being younger, took charge. So I was put
into a wheelchair and pushed. There are special entrances on the plane which
I now had to use. Would you believe it. I was going up in a lift. The flight
was alright.
Wheelchair was waiting and I had a new "Pusher" nice young man!!!!!
Luggage Bay and he wanted to know the colour of my suitcase. I said brown,
Glenys said green. Both wrong it was and still is blue.
God knows what the "Pusher" thought.
>From the airport to the Florenc bus station Over an hour wait to go to
Vamberk which then took about 3 hours to get to the hotel
in Rychnov 6 miles from Vamberk.
Bus started on time 16.30 We had front seats alas the driver spoke hardly
English or German. Never mind, we will get there, no?
Glenys thought Rychnov was the end station, so after three hours, with a
break of  lo minutes half way,driving through the countryside, lovely woods,
the Driver announced Rychnow. Some people left the bus other entered, so we
stayed put.
On with the journey, passing the sign to our hotel. Too late. we were again
on the road  to  ????? G lenys asked the driver for Rychnov, he pointed
back. In a broken language he told us that he would take us back. Silly us,
we thought it meant he would turn around. NOOOOO. On with the tour for
another hour, everybody left the bus, we were told to stay. We did as told.
 When he came back with bucket and mop Glenys offered to clean the bus but
he refused. After that on with the journey which lasted another 1 hour. AT
LAST  RYCHNOV. He would not take any payment and left us on a square,
mentioned a taxi. we waited. We stood behind a car for about 10 minutes and
decided to explore. You would not believe it. That car, without a taxi sign
where we usually see it, was  one. So after well over 2 hours late, we
arrived at the hotel.
Let me know if you want more.

Cheerio Dora

Dora Northern

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