
You asked about joining at the end of a round. Yep, that's a difficult
one.  I tried lots of things before finding an easy way, and that was
explained on the list.  Now, let's see if I can explain it.

When you get to the point where you want to join:

        1) grab the picot, and flip it upside down over the hand that is
holding the thread (it's actually easier to flip the piece over your
hand than just the picot)

        2) place it ready to be joined 

        3) pick up your shuttle

        4) bring the shuttle from under the picot (instead of from over)
and go pick up the thread

        5) either pray or swear, then try again

        6) complete join and continue work until finished

        7) do not try to look to see if it is ok, because it won't look
ok, the picot will look twisted

        8) when all the stitches are completed, close the ring
carefully.  I mean that.  I usually just give the string a good yank,
but not when joining in this way.  Then you want to take your time.  As
you close the ring, the picot will move into the position that you
wanted it in to begin with.

The main problem with this method is that you do have to trust me that
it will work, because it sure won't look like it while you are doing it.

Good luck,



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