I have been catching up on my digest for some time,
when I came across
this one I had to comment.  2 years ago our guild (The
Dogwood Lace
Guild) desided we all wanted to make a fan, but we
also wanted to learn
and practice Milanese lace, we agreed on a pattern and
began, it took
almost a year, and I can tell you, I was ready to
quite, several times
that year, but I did finish mine, and I love it.  Out
of the 10 or so
that began the project, almost all of them have a
finished piece of
lace...(not all attatched them to fan sticks)  I did
attach mine to an
anqituqe pair of sticks that I had...It was worth it,
I learned a lot,
about Lace, and perserverance, and especially how long
it takes to do a
big project.  Kathy in Pea Ridge Arkansas

Best wishes,

Arachne moderator

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