I have Christine's little Fan book, and am glad I do. But during a class with her during the winter, she talked about her fan book and said that she wants to update it as she has found ways to improve her original methods and instructions. Meanwhile, she has issued a DVD in which she gives very clear instructions which take you through the entire process. She said it is based on her original book, but has the improvements which she would like to add to a new edition! I highly recommend the DVD.


Aurelia Loveman wrote:
("Re" stands for "repeating myself")

Tamara is quite right about finding beat-up and tattered old fans of which the sticks are still in good shape, and are often quite marvelous. I have made five fans so far (my first one, "Espalier," made it to the cover of a recent issue of the IOLI Bulletin; and my latest one, "Gardening in Winter," will be coming out, I think, in the same venue this winter. "Espalier's" sticks were part of a pathetic-looking fan ($6) that I found in the window of an ice-cream-parlor-cum-junk-shop in St. Augustine, but they have long since (ever since I threw away their tattered old rag of a fan-leaf) allowed as how they were really upper-class Spanish. "Gardening's" sticks were made for me by John Brooker, the English fan-maker. They are made of gorgeously-carved ivory, and are to die for. Brooker is no longer working, but there is a Malcolm-somebody who advertises in "Lace," the publication of the British Lace Guild, that he makes fans; and I am sure you would also be happy with our own John Aebi's work, he does beautiful things. And you might given Kenn van Dieren a try.

Christine Springett has a booklet, about fifteen years old by now, but I think may still be available, called "Designing and Mounting Lace Fans." Required reading!

Making a fan is a delightful experience, and I can't tell you the feeling of glory and achievement when you have made one! -- Aurelia

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