Just a brief report to let you know we had a really good time at the dinner.
Three of us went in a taxi and arrived to find several hundred of us, probably
nearly 300 chattering at fever-pitch.  We sat at circular tables and my
hostess was past Chairman Diana Springall, who won the £1,000 cheque for
embroidery book of the year.  Alice Kettle won the award for Embroiderer of
the year.  We had a good entertainment of Ready Steady Sew.  Two teams of two
people had a bag of things to embroider in 15 minutes.  One had a large size
bra and embroidery threads, etc, the other a pair of Y-front pants.  The
results were hilarious.  Also a nice Pass the Parcel, everyone had a small
embroidery thread, needles, pins etc as a prize.

The after-dinner speech was given by Barbara Lee Smith from USA.  She said all
the things that Jeri had said in her letter (which by the way I printed out
and gave to the Chairman, Chris Berry) it was a really good speech.
Our taxi was waiting for us and we got home safe and sound after a lovely

Angela in Sunny Worcestershire UK.

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