Fine and Fashionable: The Movie :^)

"It's late and Bev and Clay have gone bonkers...."

I, for one, am glad - I am enjoying their convoluted mind-workings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))

Devon, I will second the motion to have you race around Europe doing segments on various lace places and their lace - Providing it is all on a CD or DVD so I can get hold of a copy!!!!!!!!!!! :)) :))

I too, am green with envy at those who are close enough to go to these (wonderful sounding) exhibitions. Australia is Very deficient in these, and other than pictures on the web, or beaut books like the V & A Museum brought out a while ago, we just have our own lace to look at!

I was privileged to go to Devon's talk on the Robber Barons in Denver last year. Most entertaining and enlightening. She is such a good speaker, that I could have sat there and listened to her for hours and hours.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz
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