Hello Jenny

Juul linen is Danish as is the book so that probably is the thread she used. Altin Basak at 20 wraps/cm is only marginally finer so should be IK with those patterns. Linen does usually have a bit more 'oomph' than cotton, but the 3 plies of the Altin basak will help.
Go ahead and use it.


Hi I've just bought 24 hearts in bobbin lace by Lene Bjorn and they are so lovely I want to start tonight. The thread called for is 28/2, can't find any mention of a maker. I'm assuming linen and the only one I can find in my edition of 'Brenda'(bought 5 years ago so a wee bit out of date - must treat myself to the new edition) is Juul's 28/2 at 19 wraps. Don't have any of that to hand but I do have a variegated Altin Basak 50 which is 20 wraps. Any ideas
if I'm in the right area or way out?


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