Thanks to the replies I got from the list on what sort of pens others use for marking their prickings out with. I managed to buy a couple of Pigment Waterproof pens today at the local stationers. The make is Staedtler and the finest they had was 0.2 but they are fine enough I think for my needs. I had never heard of Pigment pens before so have learnt something new thanks to this list.

I have pricked out the Christmas Spirals from the Poole Lace Circle site I hope to make quite a few of them and send some to my sisters for their trees, so wanted a sturdy pattern if I am going to use it over and over again.

I am sorry if I upset anyone with my message about why I prefer to prick patterns over photo copying them, it was not my intention to cause upset. I was asked why I bother to prick my patterns instead of copying them and so I wrote my reply.

I enjoy pricking out my patterns but, as I said, before I do occassionally photo copy those that I am only intending to use once. I get those copied onto thin coloured card often. But the card colours available to me here in the copy shop are not always suitable, the blue is very dark and the pin holes don't show up too much, the orange colour is a bit bright and dazzling. The other colours available are all a bit too pale to be of use. I can't buy blue matt film here and a roll of it weighs too much to have it posted from elsewhere, so copies on white paper are no use to me as prickings. The man in the copy shop refuses to use the pricking card, either UK type or that sold here, in his machines because it has a glaze on it and can ruin the machine. The pricking card I use I buy from the UK and so eek it out to make it last. I don't like the orange card that is sold here locally for Prickings as I find it too soft and the colour dazzles me. I prefer the brown card as used in the UK because that is what I learnt to work on and find the colour easier to work over, the patterns are very durable too. For these reasons I don't photo copy patterns that often, but prick them out myself.

You have to work with what is available to you in your part of the world.

Jenny DeAngelis
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