Janice wrote:

<Maybe Jean or Alice could take a picture and put it in webshots or somewhere
that we could all see it for those of us who are challenged with
visualisation. Sounds intriguing.>

I'll put it on the webshots as soon as I've finished unravelling the strings to make the petals and leaves. Did about half last night and went to bed with a very painful shoulder - it's quite fiddly. Hope to get the rest done today. The mounting went very smoothly running a double thread through every fourth edge loop and through the holes in the frame.

I intend to make another one of the series, but I'll reduce the pricking a fraction. Although the one I did is nice and taught inside the fram, it fits right up to the frame on the inside. I think I'd like a small gap as shown in the pictures of the finished ones in the book.

The frame is thicker than the ones in the book, but it looks fine. I couldnlt fine anything ready-made that would suit. I'd need to be a lot better at woodwork (or DH would need to be) to make the kind of frame in the book, which slots together rather like those three-tiered small ornament shelves that were popular in the 1960s. DH is fine with metal because, if he makes a mistake, he can weld a bit back on, but he can't do that with wood!!

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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