
I have Appleworks 6. If I 'Save As' in Appleworks the default option is the Appleworks format "something.cwk". However, if I choose Text from the file format list it will just come out as "something" which should open Word on a Windows machine, but that Windows PC is less likely to throw a wobbly if the filename is changed to "something.txt"


I don't want to send the text as a scan attachment; not only is it less clear but it gulps Megabytes like there was no tomorrow, quite unnecessarily. I want to send the text as a document. Trouble is, my (Mac OSX) documents give the Windows-driven 'puters (majority) hissy fits of heroic proportions, same as my Mac absolutely refuses to deal with things like pps files (it tells me to save it, presumably for further twiddling elsewhere and rests on its laurels, confident that I won't have a clue how to do it and will give up)

I've been told I need to convert my documents into something the rest of you can read... I am willing to try (though feel more compassion for Job than ever <g>) but, given my own 'puter-ignorance, it ain't gonna be easy and I need y'all's help again.

My Mac has the possibility of converting to several diffrent, system-specific documents. For example, when I e-mail my instructions to Debra Jenny (the IOLI Bulletin editor), I send them in a Word Windows XP 2002 format (which is supposed to be good also for Word Windows 97 and 2000).

My other options are a few older Mac-ways (earlier Appleworks, Claris, and two Word Macs -- 6 and 98/2000), Word Windows 6, 95, and 3 others: HTML, RTF and Text. The person who told me I had to convert Mac documents into Windows documents said to use Text (well, she said use "really simple text", but that's WIndows-speak that Mac doesn't understand <g>). But, when I sent converted-to-Text file to the person who couldn't open the Mac document, she said her puter rejected it even faster :) We ended up with my sending her the XP conversion, which she then took into something like "workpad" for clean-up and managed to get the text all printed out nicely.

But I wonder if there's a better way? One where a single Mac-conversion would work for every Windows user? Because my Mac... he seems to think he's lowering his standards already to make (and give houseroom to) *one* conversion. I have to remove *that* conversion (a pain in the neck as, for some reason, I can't simply drag it to trash from the Appleworks document "library"; I have to access it through a diffrent route), before I'm allowed to make another one. I kind-a agree with Mac -- since every new conversion is another duplicate of the original document, one is more than enough -- but that doesn't solve my problem.

Unless I find a single method of sending files to all Windows-users, I'll be doing nothing but converting, removing, converting to something else and removing again before making yet another conversion... Time-wise and effort-wise it just isn't on the cards, at least not long term. For the moment, I'll try to remember to ask everyone what sort of set up they have and hope the conversion works but, in the long run, that's not an efficient way of doing things.

Any suggestions?

PS I notice, in the new IOLI directory, in the "Guidelines for submitting articles to the Bulletin" the following: "if appending a file, please send in text or RTF format".

Well, the Text file, Mac-version, was a bomb with at least one user. The Mac-version of RTF (WTF *is* RTF, anyway?)... When I tried it on Debra, a couple of years ago, she said she had problems with *it*, too, which is why we switched to the Word Windows XP.

So I have little hope for the HTML option (plus I have a dislike of spending 120 KB for a message which, in plain text, needs about 5) but, if y'all think *that* would work...
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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