Tamera asked.... "How much interest is there, *among the IOLI members*, in reproductions of old plaited laces (in thread or in wire or both)? I know SCA-affiliated lacemakers might be interested, because, with their cut-off date being 1600, their sources of patterns, especially BL ones, are severely limited (2 published books as far as I know, and there are many patterns in both which had not yet been re-done for modern consumption). But, how big is the cross-over between "straight" lacemakers and SCA ones?"
I personally don't have (at this time) much interest in recreating authentic lace for SCA. However..... I once mentioned to an old friend that I knew how to make bobbin lace. Her eyes lit up and she squeeled "You do?" She loves to dress up for renaissance festivals. We chatted briefly about the possibilty of making lace for one of her costumes. Since we don't live in the same state the discussion went no further. I decided later that it would be easier to teach her to make bobin lace than for me to make yards and yards of a plaited lace! As a lacer you never know when you might come across someone who is interested in period lace. It would be nice to know that some of this research has been done and available in an IOLI bulletin for when we might need it. I know I could put it to use! Thanks!Anita HansenCedar Rapids, Iowa ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Invite your Hotmail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces - To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the line: unsubscribe lace [EMAIL PROTECTED] For help, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]