"Old Lace & Linens, including Crochet: Identification and Value Guide" by Maryanne Dolan Copyright 1989 by Books Americana

Apologies in advance if the author is on the list, or if anyone knows her. I am by no means an expert and don't normally have the qualifications to critique lace books. In a niche field such as ours, the efforts of all lacemakers to produce, record and promote our craft are most welcome. Information is always gratefully received and I learn something from everyone.

However, since a quick Google search turned up lots of copies of this title and others by the same author, I would want others to be forewarned. This is an incredibly poorly written book. The narrative section is full of typos, opinions and inaccuracies, and makes it difficult to trust any of the information. I could give examples, but really don't want to spend the time on it. The bulk of the book is comprised of photographs, none with sources, and many looking suspiciously like photos I've seen in Dover and similar publications or in old mail order catalogues. It's pretty obvious she didn't take many of them herself, and reprehensible that she didn't credit the sources (or likely get permission). Some photo captions do credit the creators of the work photographed, but most don't.

One photo has a comment that: "Most of the needlework owned by this collector [presumably the author] was made by her mother, so it can be dated accurately." That may well be the case - if so it's an amazing output for one needlewoman in a fair range of techniques - but pretty unbelievable when you look at the book. The prices for many items also don't make sense to me, but without more information are hard to refute.

According to the book, Maryanne Dolan in 1989 was an educator based in California who also had an antique shop and led antique tours in the British Isles and California. I didn't turn up any recent information on her using Google, but didn't look very hard either. Books Americana is I believe a vanity press - more reputable publishers would have found this book problematic.

Enough said - don't bother buying this one. I'm pretty sure I picked up my copy cheaply somewhere, at least I hope I did as I'd hate to have spent real money on it! (original price $10.95 US) Caveat emptor.

JulieO in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, hosting the Canada Winter Games February 23- March 10, 2007 - held north of 60 for the first time - with lots of fresh snow, cold temperatures, and more daylight each day . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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