I have been following this thread and did not intend to make any comment. However, a friend's experience has made me think! First, just a cautionary warning, postings have come from countries all over the world and what applies in one country may be different in another! Now mt friends experience. She went into a local photocopying place and they refused to copy a pricking for her, pointing to the statement in the book that it was not allowed and she could not convince them that it would spoil the book to use it as a pricking. She accepted this, though they were quite happy for her to photocopy it herself! This lead to me thinking, would it be a good idea for all the national lace organisations to approach the publishers of our book and ask them to include a line in the front saying that we can copy one pricking for our own use? I know it would be a massive undertaking for someone to do this, but it would seem to be a way out of what is going to be an ever-growing and on-going problem for us!!!

Sue Fink,
New Zealand
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