I went and saw the radical lace & subversive knitting exhibit at MAD, and
absolutely loved it. Some pieces weren't in line with my specific tastes,
but all were interesting and certainly worth taking the time to look and
ponder over.

I don't see the point of taking the extreme in either side of the art vs
craft debate (maybe I'm just always the fencesitter). Ugly/useless doesn't
have to equal "art". Functionality/mundane/conventional doesn't have to
equal "craft". I would hope that both can inspire and feed each other.

Historical pieces of traditional lace, and modern replications thereof, can
and should be admired. Conserve and learn from the traditional always. But
perhaps without new interpretations to breathe life into lace-making, it's
future may not be certain. It would be such a shame for the wonders of
lace-making to slowly die out.

Jen in Melbourne ( who was so very lucky to visit NY city earlier this

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