
The stitch you are looking at marked with an X between 4 pins in the zig zag behind the fans will be Rose Ground. This is how rose ground is marked on spanish patterns. Another thing you might find in spanish patterns is that in a trail, for example, where you would assume you work whole stitch, if that area of trail etc., is marked with an X then it means use half stitch for the trail. If the fans in the pattern you have selected were marked with X then you would work them in half stitch. Wherever there is a blank area between pins, where we would normally have the zig zagging lines to represent wh. or half stitch, if that blank area is marked with a X then use half stitch.

Jenny DeAngelis

Jenny Brandis wrote:-
Does anyone know what stitch is used in the patterns that look like an X ? it is based on 4 pins so I am guessing it is some sort of crossing of threads - but which? uses this.

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