Hi Ewa,

I found this Question and Answer by Googling for the term Knitting Wrap
Stitch.  In the Answer the writer seems to explain fairly clearly how to
work a Wrap Stitch, but obviously it would be easier to work the stitch at
the same time as reading the instructions rather than reading the
instructions alone without the knitting in your hands, as I am doing at the
moment.  See how you get on following the explanation given.

Also this page has an explanation for Wrap Stitch, including when it would be used, that you might find even clearer to follow. http://www.kimhargreaves.co.uk/acatalog/Help.html Scroll down the page a little way for find the paragraph Wrap Stitch.

Jenny DeAngelis.

<<Sorry to put this on the Lace Digest, but I have been asked what
" WRAP STICH" pos "WRAP STITCH" is. Can anybody tellme, please? I have
looked in my english Handikraft encyclopedia, but cat find anything.
Ewa Eskilsson in the very South of Sweden, where we have got a fore taste of
s autumn storms to come!

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