Hi Janice,

There is a way to do it without tying knots or weaving back in. I have a hard time describing things as I am more of a visual learner, but I will try. I was taught this by a lace teacher from Quebec and I think she got it from one of Ulrike Lohr's books.

At a point about 15-20 passes (of the worker) before the end of the lace, unwind the passive bobbins either on one side of the work or alternate from side to side (in your case 10 bobbins), and fold the thread back on itself to create a loop which will end beyond where the piece of lace will join. You need a long enough loop to get to where the lace is being joined plus enough to wind on the bobbin and the leash. Wind the loop onto your bobbin as you would a single thread, leaving the end of the thread above the work to be pulled later. Continue to work the lace to the join. When the workers from either side meet, undo the loops on your passive bobbins, pass the passive bobbin coming from the other side through the loop and gently pull the loop (using the thread end left earlier) back into the work to about halfway back to where the thread end comes out of the work. You can then snip both thread ends very close to the work. The join will be less bulky if you alternate from side to side the looped passive threads . You can use the same method with the workers as well, though you can loop them much closer to the end of the work (one or two passes might be enough).

I hope this is clear enough and I haven't left anything out. It has been quite a while since I did it myself. If you are having trouble picturing this and need more help, email me privately, and I can telephone you (I'm in Wisconsin) and talk you through it.

Good luck if you chose to try this,

At 04:08 PM 11/17/2007, you wrote:
I need to ask a question about finishing a piece of Bedfordshire lace. I am coming around a circle from both directions and have the two ends to join together. At that point I will have 10 passive pairs and two sets of workers to deal with.

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