I think in England the Ethafoam you are talking about is known perhaps as Styrofoam.

SMP lace in England used to cut styrofoam pieces to size, they sold the light blue colour but I am not sure if they still do this. Russell Perrin of SMP lace cut me some long triangular pieces years ago when I wanted to make myself a fan shaped block pillow.

Styrofoam doesn't last as long a the high density polystyrene as the pin holes do not close up quite so much in the styrofoam as they do in the HD polystyrene, but I only use the fan pillow now and then when making a fan so it is OK for my needs. My oldest HD Polystyrene block pillow is about 17 years old and used all the time, it is still going strong, I have reversed the blocks once but have not had to replace any of them yet, though I will have to do so in a year or two I think.

Jenny DeAngelis
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