I decided that the end of the survey would be when I finally finished sewing 
together my lace heart and I did that this afternoon :-)  I still hate the 
knots but I should be able to mask them against the second heart once that is 
made.  They will be interlocked so if I start the second one at the right point 
(still to be finalised) then the end of that one should also be masked.

Anyway, here are the results.  I got a total of 47 responses, thank you.  
Several people mentioned more than one dislike so the numbers below total to 
rather more than 47.  Some of the descriptions are broad.  This is for a 
variety of reasons including the need to maintain some people's privacy.  The 
first three items are the ones I listed originally, and then they go in random 

Winding bobbins = 7
Finishing = 13
Tallies (all types) = 12
Sewings = 6
Look of used bobbins = 1
Torchon fans = 1
Insufficient time = 2
Pricking = 3
Finished look = 3
Removing pins = 3
Replacing pins in pincushion = 3
Mounting = 4
Need to turn pillow = 1
Torchon spiders = 1
Starting = 1
Thread breaking during work = 1
Classes = 1
9 pin edge = 2
False plaits = 1

What a varied group we are!  Still, it is reassuring to know that I am not the 
only out there who dislikes the finishing off bit.  I have a question on that 
but will put it in a separate email ...

Thank you again to those who participated.

Helen (in an overcast Vancouver, BC on the west coast of mainland Canada)

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