Thanks for all that info, Jane. My CD certainly doesn't have any folders
entitled Exhibition or Lace or Catalogue on it. I think I will try the Lace
Guild HQ again armed with your information  and see if that gets me any

Thanks. Yes, I did mean Myth or Mystery - and yes it has taken me a long time
to buy it!!!
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jane Partridge
  To: Sue Babbs
  Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 10:39 AM
  Subject: Myth or Mystery CD

  In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sue Babbs
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
  >I bought this CD a couple of months ago from the Lace Guild and have
  >got round to
  >trying to open it, but I can't get it to work. It has the following files

  Do you actually mean the Myth or Mystery CD, or Seven? (Silly question
  as the files are "morm"). I haven't got round to buying the Seven CD
  yet, but my Myth or Mystery CD has no problems opening on this rather
  ancient Windows 95 machine which has never heard of Correldraw! The
  files it brings up show as folders, one entitled "Exhibition", one
  "Lace" and there is a Word file "Catalogue (2)". Each of the folders
  list the images by number, and clicking on them brings up the image

  From the files listed above, it would sound as if someone has taken one
  image, and then used Correldraw to possibly draft several versions of
  the pattern, saved it to CD and this has mistakenly ended up in with the
  stock of Myth or Mystery CDs - a mystery how, though! Maybe it was a CD
  of one of the patterns sent in for use in the magazine? If this is the
  explanation, then the rest of the CDs should have files the same as
  mine, and the Guild should be able to arrange to swap your CD for the
  right one.

  Are any of the current Exec on Arachne who could look into this further?
  Jane Partridge

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