- ---- Angela Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Now the question.  Do you put an extra twist on the end of the row in
stitch?  If so why?  It doesn't say to do this in the instructions I am
following at present, but I keep feeling I should.  What do you

A teacher (I think Holly Van Sciver) explained twists on the edges to 
us this way.  

If you turned the edge with no twists on the pair, your threads could 
separate and leave you with a rainbow.  There would be an inner loop 
of thread surrounded by an outer loop of thread.

If you have one twist, the threads could still separate, leaving you
with twin arches, kind of like the McDonald's symbol.

With two twists, the threads can't separate.  

I used to always forget to do twists at the edges, until I had this
explanation.  Knowing why I did it, made me much more likely to do 

Cathy in Newark, DE

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