Devon wrote:

<I did not have the opportunity to ask if British people receive a tax write-off for charitable giving to cultural institutions or not.>

If we make a payment or donation to a registered charity, and complete a statement that we are UK tax payers, then the charity can claim back 22% of the sum paid, which represents the basic rate of tax which the payee has paid on the sum. We have a personal allowance, which is the amount of income we can have before we start paying tax. If our income is less than the personal allowance, then we're not UK tax payers and the charity can't claim the tax.

This is no such arrangement for cultural institutions.

The UK Lace Guild is a registered charity so they can ask members to agree to the Guild claiming the tax back on membership fees and donations.

For salaries, wages, pensions, ie regular income, tax is deducted from it by the payer before we get it (PAYE = Pay As You Earn) after allowing for our personal allowance. Mostly we don't need to complete a tax return unless there's significant change in income or we receive some income gross because the Inland Revenue know that the tax has already been collected by whoever pays us.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

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