OIDFA Trip Day 12-13-14  Heidelberg and the Rhine

My travel problems were on Sundays.  I got up early and took the Metro to Gard 
du Est.  The train I wanted was full.  No seats left.  I had to wait in the 
train station for four hours to catch the next train which meant that I would 
arrive in Heidelberg late in the day.  Once on the train, it was a pleasant 
ride.  Facing me was a man with wife and 3 girls in the seats across the aisle. 
 We chatted through much of the journey.  He had been stationed in Heidleberg 
when he was in the military and was taking his family to see it.  

My hotel was in the middle of the old part of town so I took a tram, and then 
walked a ways to get there.  My room was the smallest room I'd had so far, but 
a very roomy bathroom.  The window opened onto a wall so I had air but no view. 
 The hotel did have an excellent restaurant with tables outdoors.  It faced the 
big square next to the Church of the Holy Spirit.  Opposite the church was the 
Town Hall.  I had my meals outdoors and enjoyed watching all the people.  I 
tried to choose traditional German food.

The day I arrived was the day of the Germany-Spain soccer World Cup.  The 
street was full of mostly students (some adults) parading in German flags and 
flag colors. They were all excited, and planning on a big celebration.  The 
town would have been wild if they had won, but the honor went to the Spanish.  
It was very quiet after the game.

I had only one full day here, so I visited the church when it opened.  The 
organist was practicing.  It's a smaller church than the others I'd seen, but 
very pretty.  After a quick visit to the Internet Cafe, I went up to the 
Schloss (Castle) and spent some time walking around the grounds.There was a 
great view of the town from up there.  I rode the mountain tram back down to 
the city and walked around a bit more.  I enjoyed window shopping as I strolled 
the streets, and watched the people.

The start of Day 15 was very early.  I had ordered a taxi for fast transport to 
the train.  I caught the earliest train to Mainz so I could catch the early 
Rhine Cruise boat.  I made it with barely a minute to spare.  I think they 
started to raise the boarding plank just after I got on.  There was only 16 
minutes from the train arrival till the cruise time.  I thanked my taxi driver 
immensely for a fast transport. 

I had to drag my luggage with me on the cruise.  I hauled it up the stairs to 
the top deck and found a table under the canvas top.  The weather was hot and 
sunny, with a nice breeze.  I knew I would burn if I sat in the sun for 5 
hours.  There were quite a few people, but lots of room.  One stop later, a 
tour of Italians boarded and took over the front section of the boat. They 
serenaded everyone for 15 or 20 minutes.  

The next stop gained a tour of Japanese people.  They filled in all the space 
left.  An hour or so later, one of the tours departed.  The next stop the other 
tour departed.  On the next stop, there were 50 or more kids who boarded.  I 
think it was more than one group.  They left before my stop.

There are 30 or more castles (or ruins) between Mainz and Koln.  Most of them 
are between Mainz and Koblenz so I saw lots of castles on the hills next to the 
river.  I took pictures of all of them we saw.  The weather was almost perfect 
for a river cruise. The breeze kept the heat from being oppressive.

When I debarked, I was able to catch a taxi cruising by the boat landing, and 
caught the next train going to Koln where I had a hotel for the night.

Days 12-13-14  No lace.  Church number 6 and lots of castles.

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