Bingo!! Thank you Verla! I'm with you -- it's likely the twist.

Ann, you might try a 3-ply thread. Three-plies are supposed to be more neutral.
It would be an interesting experiment.

Or try a different manufacturer of whatever size thread you
normally use.

Hmmm, sounds like the next edition of Brenda's twisty snake research. . . ?

in cloudy but bright Williamsburg, VA

On Aug 7, 2008, at 9:58 AM, Verla Davis wrote:

Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 09:52:39 +0100
From: "ann.humphreys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
At 01:52 AM 8/6/2008, you wrote:
I don't do much tape lace so it's probably down to my inexperience
but can anyone tell me why when I place the pin at the right hand
side of the work I get a nicely formed loop but when I work the left
hand side the loop is much smaller and not so well formed. I angle
my pins and tension the same but there is still a difference between
one side and the other. Hope this makes sense.
Yorkshire UK

Weavers have the same problem with selvages -- one is usually better than the other. Some say it's the right-handed, left-handed thing but most of it is the twist of the yarn. I see the same thing with bobbin lace as well. S and Z twist threads will result in the opposite affect on the lace to my

Verla in Prescott, AZ
Wishing I was with my mom and buddies at IOLI

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