Hi De Hi

I am about to make a  lace horseshoe and have found on making the last one
that the lace keeps lifting off the pillow when I am going around the bend of
the shoe.  Is this happening because I am not angleing my pins properly or is
it normal.

Wendy St Dogmales


Hi Wendy,

The most probable cause of the horseshoe lifting off the pillow is that you are tensioning harder as you go around the curve. The simplest fix is to move the pillow often so that the row you are working on has the passives coming straight at you. If you can work a bookmark (straight down) to your satisfaction (regarding the tension), then moving the pillow will help a lot.

If the passives are bunching up on one side or the other, work the row, tension the weaver first and set the edge pin and then tension each passive while maintaining tension on the weaver. Don't start the next row until you are satisfied with the current row's tension on the weaver pair and the passives. When the weaver changes direction around the pin, it is set, almost locked into position. Changing it later is not really possible.

Tensioning the workers should be a pull to the left or right. Trying to work at another angle just doesn't come out right. Since every row around a curve is at a different angle, you need to keep the work moving so that your tension can produce the effect you want.


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