Hello all,
I have been demonstrating lace today in the Library in Chislehurst Kent (UK) and have helped lots of children to 'have a go' at torchon. We have a beginners pillow with a snake on it and even a couple of little girls of only 2 and a half and 3 years had a try - they did very well much to the surprise of the accompanying adults. Unfortunately the adults were reluctant to have a go, maybe next time. Whilst demonstrating my colleagues and I got into a conversation about which design package was best for a computer. I mentioned 'Coral draw' but was wondering what your ideas were, I know it's been discussed before but didn't really follow the thread. My friend is using Windows 98 and wondered which to try........
Thanks in anticipation to your suggestions
Celia Mulhearn - in a sunny(for a change) SE London.

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