In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jean Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
In response to Debora's posting:

I do not see a problem here.

With simple listing of those supposed to be connected to lace work, there probably isn't a problem - especially as the recipe for Cattern Cakes is usually mentioned at this time of year, and in the days of the cottage lace industry the Saints Days were a reason for the workers to actually have a day off to celebrate. But, those were days when most of the population in the UK at least did celebrate the days because they were part of keeping the national religion. Now, with the multi-faith society we live in, a fair proportion of the population do not hold with these celebrations, (which are, after all, only celebrated by certain denominations within the Christian religion) and no mention is made of 'minor' festivals in other cultures. (I am a Christian but I believe we are all equal and therefore do not celebrate Saints Days). It is therefore easy to offend those on the list who are of other faiths, probably without realising it.

At this time of year, over the history of Arachne, with the stress of preparing for Thanksgiving dinners in the US and half term school holidays here, there have been more or less annual flare ups over one thing or another, which on several occasions have led to new people joining the list deciding that they don't want to stay with us. Over the last week or so there have been rumblings on the politics and religious postings, so perhaps it is time to get back onto purely lace topics and be as sensitive to each others feelings as we normally are.
Jane Partridge

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