Happy New Years to all!  I've enjoyed looking at the holiday swaps and hearing
about the projects that folks have going.  I've had no lace on a pillow for
several months now as I had to pack them up to move back to the States during
the summer.  I've decided that with the beginning of the year it's time to get
a project going.  Before leaving Belgium I purchased some lovely white linen
yardage with the intention of making lace for a Christening gown.  I don't
think I'm in a hurry as only one of our 3 daughters is married and she informs
me it will be several years before they plan to have children but I know how
our frequent moves and life get in the way so I would like to get started on
the lace yardage for this.  I've found the perfect pattern by way of Sally
Barry's "Luton" books along with her generous input to the NELG newsletter. 
The newsletter contained both an insert as well as an edging of the same
pattern.  It's #B.35, Corona, from
 book 2. 
My first question concerns the thread.  The pattern calls for Egyptian Cotton
80/2.  As I said though, I'm putting this on linen.  Does one usually mix
fibers for the lace and fabric?   I know from knitting and spinning that
mixing of fibers can give different results when it comes to laundering.  And
as I hope this will get passed down from my daughters to their children, will
the different fibers age differently?  If I should use a linen thread what
would be an equivalent?  I have a conversion chart but it shows no match for a
linen thread in comparison to the Egyptian Cotton 80/2.
My second question concerns the pattern itself - the gimp actually.  The
pattern calls for 2 pair of gimp and where the "fingers" are I can see where
each pair go.  What I'm unclear of though, is the gimp around the honeycomb. 
Does or could one double up the gimp around the honeycomb between each pattern
or would it be preferable to start and stop the gimp with each pattern?
I'm still in the early planning stage of this project so appreciate any and
all advice.
Dona in West River, MD (at least for another 6-9 months)

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