Hi all

Finally finished my Beds butterfly. I started it last May on a course with Christine Springett. It has 6 rolled tallies, she did the first one to show me how to do them, and then I struggled with the other five. Each time I came to THAT point, I put the pillow away, and did something easier on another pillow. Anyway, I bit the bullet and by the time I came to the last one it just worked.

I am quite proud of it, even though it is not perfect, and I have uploaded a photo on Arachne as Sue Duckles
told me to do.
I also uploaded a photo of a 15cm diameter mat i did about 12 years ago, when I had my first bout of lace making. I went to a mixed needlecraft class, where there was one other person who wanted to learn bobbin lace. The class folded after 10 weeks, and I struggled on by myself, eventually abandoning lace altogether as work and family took up my time. When I took up the bobbins again about 2 years ago, I found I had to start from scratch
again, and also that my fingers are a lot stiffer now.

Anyway, if you want to have a look, go to the Arachen webshots album. Photos listed under my name. B.t.w. Sue, I hope you can sleep peacefully in the knowledge that do as I am told.

Agnes Boddington - Elloughton UK

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