As I understand it, the digest is an accumulation of approx. 22K worth of
messages; the digest is sent as soon as that quota is reached. There is no
seniority ;)

You have a choice, to subscribe to the reflected list, and receive the
messages as they are sent (reflected), or subscribe to the digest, where you
wait until the e-mail list software has collected whatever number of
messages will make up the 22K worth. This e-mail list began in 1995 (I
think. April? or was it 1996) and the majordomo software hasn't changed,
that I'm aware of. Avital the admin. might be able to shed some light on

I have replied-all, so that you will get my reply right away, and eventually
see the same message in the digest.

When a message is sent to the list, unless someone has "re lace-digest
whatever" in the subject line, we can't tell if the writer is subscribed by
digest or by reflected. In the long run that shouldn't matter. But then 're
lace-digest' doesn't often describe the real subject, which could be quite
specific, so to those answering from a digest message, please edit the
subject line as appropriate.

For the longest time I subscribed to the lace-digest as a way to manage the
heaps of  e-mail I get. I enjoyed lurking, reading what was going on,
extracting any tips, and/or just enjoying the lace connection. Then when I
switched mail programs to gmail, I could handle the reflected (individual)
messages much better. It was rather nice to be able to connect right away
with some of the correspondents.

hope this helps

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 6:23 PM, <> wrote:

> Hello Again!  I just wanted to ask about the how the digest is sent &
> received.  I often receive a "private" response to one of my numerous
> questions, well before the answer is received via the digest.  Just wondered
> if senior members (length of subscriber-ship) receive the digest sooner than
> newbies??  <G>  OR Is this an issue with my ISP--the "fine" folks at
> Time/Warner aka Roadrunner, the service from H*&^%$#@@+!!  The way that I
> received the recent "book sale" info, the books were already sold before I
> looked at the list.  Technology is a wonder thing, except when it doesn't
> work!  Susan, in PA
> -

Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of

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