You can see other examples of leaves in (late) Tønder patterns:

Hannover, Emil. Tønderske Kniplinger det Danske Kunstindustrimuseum
Udstilling 1908 [Laces from Tønder, Denmark; Danish Museum of Applied
Art Exhibit 1908], Lehmann & Stages, 1911, 103 pages. Note: Scanned
images provided by Tess Parrish. Posted November 4, 2002. CD (HWDA11).
CD (LDA01). SAMPLE PAGE. Part 1: File size 10.1 MB PDF. Part 2: File
size 8.6 MB PDF. Part 3: File size 8.7 MB PDF.

Part 3.

I know that the old lady, who gave me her original edition of
Hannover, would be very pleased for you all to enjoy it. It travelled
over to Tess and back again some years ago. The book has been
reprinted twice, but those editions could not be used for copyright


Vibeke in Copenhagen where the sun is shining but it is cold

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