I'm taking it upon myself to forward this from lace-chat, since I suspect that many of our German "spiders" do not read the chat.

Steph, if you go to Poland, aim at Kraków, not Warsaw. Even though I'm a Warsawian through and through, I have to admit that, for textiles, Krakow is at least three times as rewarding as Warsaw :)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Steph Peters <stepha...@sandbenders.demon.co.uk>
Date: February 16, 2009 1:33:03 EST
To: lace-c...@arachne.com
Subject: [lace-chat] Berlin museuems and sightseeing recommendations please
Reply-To: Steph Peters <stepha...@sandbenders.demon.co.uk>

I'm working and living in Berlin for the first half of 2009. Having sorted out the important stuff like mobile phone, bicycle, a good place to live and
registering with the authorities I now have a bit of free time.  This
weekend there is snow, so I have sat in front of the TV and crocheted myself a balaclava to wear during the bike ride to work. Unfortunately I didn't have enough room in my case for a lace pillow, so I'm confined to knitting
and crochet at the moment.

I'd like something more interesting to do in my free time when the weather
is a bit better.  So, what would arachnes recommend in the museums in
Berlin? I'm interested to know about anything textile related, and also anything else that you have enjoyed during visits here. I'm planning some weekends away later, including Dresden, Leipzig and maybe Prague or Warsaw or both. So any recommendations for those places would be welcome, and also for anywhere else that I can get to by train on a weekend. And of course if
any arachnes are in Berlin I'd love to meet up.

There are some pictures of my touristy bike ride to work from my first place
to live here:
https://www.photoshop.com/express/index.html? user=tempelhof&galleryid=e2305637eda5426f915549813078470e&wf=share&trac kingid=BTAGC

Here are a couple of pictures of my new place to live and from last
weekend's sightseeing:
https://www.photoshop.com/express/index.html? user=tempelhof&galleryid=c8237c80c7b64e39ab679767c553d3b8&wf=share&trac kingid=BTAGC

Regards from Berlin
Money can't buy everything. That's what credit cards are for.
Steph Peters  stepha...@sandbenders.demon.co.uk
Tatting, lace & stitching page <http://www.sandbenders.demon.co.uk/index.htm>

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