Hi Adele, Patty, Bev and Lorelei.

Thanks a lot for your help. Although there wasn't a complete solution for
the translation of the word, your opinions have taken me to search a bit
further. And now I know (surfing the Internet) that the Slovenian word
"slin" means "saliva" (same in English, Italian and Spanish). I suppose that
"-ce" is a suffix, perhaps for the plural (just a guess). That's why the
Italians call this motive "saliva" (just a translation of slince). But now
comes the next question: why saliva? Unless saliva means something else than
the liquid in the mouth!

For those who don't know what we are talking about: this "slince" is a braid
with kind of spiders in the center, which is typical of Idrijan lace and
also of Gorizian lace (northern Italy, next to Slovenia).

Many greetings to all from Antje, from Spain.

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