This may sound a bit like an advertisement - but it isn't.   Apparently on
2004, in response to a question on Arachne, I gave an address and phone
number for Winslow Bobbins, in England. 


I've just heard from Heather and Steve to tell me that they have moved  and
changed their phone number.   However, they are receiving irate phone calls
from the holder of their old phone number, complaining that people are still
ringing the old number wanting to order bobbins.    Heather and Steve are
trying to get the message out to everyone that their details have changed.


So, if you have any details for Winslows in any form at all, could you
please change them.   The new address is:


102 Embleton Way


MK18 1FJ


And the correct phone number is:  01280 816980


Their email address and website URL remain the same.


Please update your details for these lovely people, and help save them from
any more angry phone calls from the poor chap who has their old phone

Thanks a lot.



Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

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