Has anyone mentioned knitting stitch holders yet?  They're like very long
safety pins (but not sharp) and you thread them through your spangles.  They
won't help a bit with unspangles bobbins, though ...




margerybu...@o2.co.uk in North Hertfordshire, UK


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-l...@arachne.com [mailto:owner-l...@arachne.com] 
> On Behalf Of David in Ballarat
> Sent: Monday 09 March 2009 14:56
> To: bev walker; Cher
> Cc: lace@arachne.com
> Subject: Re: [lace] Miss Channer receives.../ideas for 
> stacking bobbins
> >
> >I watched a lacemaker working with hundreds of Midlands 
> pairs, a big Beds.
> >piece on a large cookie pillow, and she was able to pick up groups of
> >bobbins, twist the bundle once so that the leader threads 
> were all together,
> >and left them back of the pillow.
> Now THAT'S an intriguing idea which I haven't tried yet. Must give it 
> a go. But it certainly sounds feasible.
> My giant safety pins made by cutting a plastic coated coat hanger in 
> half, hold around 32 bobbins each depending on the 
> flamboyancy of the spangle.
> David
> -
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