In message <>, Avital <> writes
The list is 14 years old? Then I must be mistaken about when I joined.
I guess those diapers were older than I thought! OK, I have to join
the group that hasn't a clue, but I think it was probably at most
12-13 years that I've been on Arachne.

You were definitely on the list by Passover of the year your son was two, because I remember the episode you told us of using cinnamon to deter the column of ants he was busy crawling after! Your husband was away doing national service at the time, if I remember correctly, and you were struggling to move the cooker to clean everywhere in preparation. (I think it was the mental image of him and the ants that made it stick in my mind this long).

It seems unbelievable that he is now almost sixteen - thought it was only last year he had his bar mitzvah!
Jane Partridge

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