Oooh I never knew that, and I found it very interesting, so thanks for explaining it so well.

I have bought and seen lace with little threads attached to the side, could that have been for similar reasons?
Sue T,  Dorset UK, off to serve dinner.

I seem to remember from long past that someone posted a poem about striver pins and how to use them. Is this part of my imagination or was such a poem on our List? Does anyone have one?

For newbies who've never heard of a Striver Pin, it's a regular small pin that has some tiny beads on it to distinguish it. It's put or used on the edge of your lace to mark your starting point that day (week, month). At the end of the day, you put another on on the edge where you end, ready for the next work session. Each day you STRIVE to do better than the day before.

This probably started in lace factories where the supervisors wanted the lacemakers to make as much as possible every day. It's usually not vital to us to work fast since most of us make lace for pleasure rather than income. Some people like to use Striver Pins just for their own satisfaction.

(I just remembered the first long project I did. On a specific day each year I tied a colored thread on the edge of my lace where I was working. I could look back and see how much I did that year compared to previous years. One year I showed only two inches instead of 20-30" of other years. I don't remember what happened that year but I must have spent my time on other projects instead of the perpetual project. <G>)

Hoping someone has a poem,
Alice in Oregon

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