It's been awhile since I've had a beginner student, and the one I have right now is 11 years old! She started 3 weeks ago. Her first lesson was just going over the tools she needs, and sorting out how to wind bobbins. The next week she came and started a whole stitch practice strip; finishing that one and another one on her own before she came back last week for her third lesson. Last week I taught her how to do half stitch. I warned her to never stop in the middle of the row...that it would be harder to find her mistakes right away and if she got lost in it she would have a real muddle to sort through. Then I sent her home with the assignment to finish the half stitch strip, work another one and also work one with alternating whole stitch / half stitch sections. This was on Tuesday... on Thursday I got a message from her that she had "finished. Now what did I want her to do?..."

My goal was to have her so familiar with these two stitches that she would not have to think much about it when she started to deal with the puzzle of following a pattern for the first time. She is starting a bookmark this Tuesday. I am so excited!

She is the kind of student that makes you feel unnecessary.

(if you would like to send her any words of encouragement, not that she necessarily needs them, I will gladly pass them on! )

Debbie in Florida

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