Tamara's reference to the Table-mate reminds me of a question I'd been meaning 
to ask:

The Table-mate available on Amazon UK has a usable surface 22" wde by 16.75" 
deep, so my 18"/20"/22" pillows would overhang the back of the table.
Given that once bobbins are hung in the weight of the pillow is more at the 
front of the pillow than the back, would one of these tables be stable with a 
large pillow on? Has anyone tried one and found out?

(And what might happen when my fairly heavy young cat jumps onto the back of 
the pillow to "help"? Though ending up on the floor under a fairly heavy 
pillow a couple of times should cure even Silly Sid of leaping before he 

Cheshire, UK

I am short, too -- 5'2" -- but love big pillows because of all that 
room to spread the bobbins (even 12 pairs can use some room to breathe 
<g>). What I've learnt is that, if the pillow sits really low, I can 
bend over it at the hips, rather than at the waist, which gives me an 
extra 3-4" of reach. This has another advantage as well -- my arms 
don't get as tired working, because they're fairly close to my lap (the 
most restful position), instead of being raised.

But, of course, that means having the pillow sitting on an adjustable 
stand, not at a standard height table. It's one of the resaons that I'm 
reluctant to go to workshops which are beyond a sensible driving range 
(8-10hrs maximum); my large Table-mate would not travel well on a plane 
(and neither would a large pillow, any more)

Tamara P Duvall                           

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