Hi Lacers All,

I am hoping that one of you can help me!    I must have more patterns,
prickings and books than any sane person needs but ...    Many years ago, one
of the first things I made was a paperweight for my husband, which was a sort
of Tudor Rose design - very simple tape lace, but quite effective.    I am
sure I still have the pricking but, as I have downsized quite drastically,
most of the lace gear is still in boxes, all over the cottage, and some up in
the loft!   My landlord is the owner of a local estate agents here in Hadleigh
Suffolk, and he has been very generous to me, and as my cottage is called Rose
Cottage, with pargetted Tudor roses on the outside and the inside (is it still
called Pargetting, whe it is inside?) I would like to make him a similar
paperweight - but I can't find the pricking.

So - does anyone have a pricking, or can anyone tell me where I might find
one, of a quick and simple Tudor Rose?    I will be most grateful to anyone
who can point me in the right direction.

Thanks to you all for your help.

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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