For those who haven't heard the British expression of "clever clogs" before, it is defined as "an intellectual who is ostentatiously and irritatingly knowledgeable ". But when it was said to me on Saturday (18th July), by Pat Matthews from Shropshire, I'm sure that she meant it in the nicest way, as a complement, when I said that I had made the headband & dress that I was wearing. Pat had visited Estonia in 2006 & I remember reading an article in Lace #126 describing her visit with her daughter. We enjoyed each other's
company all afternoon until I had to catch a bus back to Tartu at 5pm.

This year's competition was "Apron" & there were some wonderful items entered. I was thinking "small" & made a doll's apron with a Bucks point ground edging designed by Alex Stillwell. Photos of just some of the lace on display that day, can now be seen at:
Scroll down, & you can see my apron near the bottom, to the right of the butterfly.

Pat was asked to be one of the 3 judges, & she was a little reluctant, but I gave her a few guidelines in what to look for - cleanliness, how the lace was attached to the fabric, etc. A Russian lacemaker had been invited to teach a workshop but I decided not to participate as I had shoulder trouble & couldn't carry what I would've had to bring for two days. So I was able keep Pat company, & after having a cup of coffee we walked around the touristy part of Pärnu, and then sat in the nearby park named after Lydia Koidula (For more info: A group of about 16 lacemakers had travelled from Sweden to participate in the workshop. We were surprised to find that one of these
ladies was originally from Scotland.

Two other ladies who didn't have entries in the competition were asked to be the other judges. They were asked to look at all the entries & agree on 3 pieces that they all liked. The other two ladies chose my doll's apron, maybe because Bucks point ground is an unusual. lace. When my lace pieces were returned to me on Tuesday evening, I received as 2nd Prize a gift certificate from a local bookstore & a membership badge from Pat's lace group, as well as a certificate.

Now I'm looking forward to the end of August, when I'll be going to Tallinn to meet an American friend & lacemaker from Connecticut who is going on a cruise which is holding knitting classes with Nancy Bush. I hope that it will be a sunny day for us while we wander around the Old City.

Warm regards from
Pene in Tartu, Estonia.

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